
Our Sentinel
"Don't make Lemonade, make DVDs" campaign-

Pictured on the left is the "Make Lemonade" bouquet, which the SOS team sent to Mr. Lesinski at Paramount. The card read -- Paramount: The Sentinel ain't no lemon, so don't make lemonade, make MONEY! Please put all seasons of THE SENTINEL on DVD with bloopers & extended scenes.

Below are two Lemon CD Labels you can print and put onto any CD and send it to Paramount supporting the bouquet of flowers. ;-) Happy Lemonading!

Important!! The CD labels below are thumbnails. Click on one to go to the full-size CD label. Do a right-click to save the image onto your computer. Open the labels in any graphics program (Paint, etc.) and print. In order to print correctly, your printer must be set to 300 d.p.i.

If you'd like to print a test label click here. Same instructions as above, right-click, save to your computer, open in a graphics program and print. Printing out the test label will allow you to see if your label will print correctly without using a lot of ink.



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